Prevent Daycare Injuries from Negligence with These Precautionary Tips
As parents, your first priority is the health and safety of your children. For working parents, placing children in daycare adds another level of concern and anxiety. A third of all children under the age of 5 years and a quarter of those aged 5 to 14 spend some time in center-based daycare. With so many children utilizing daycare–upward of 74 million–it is imperative to confirm the quality of a provider.
With so many children in daycare on a daily basis, failures do happen in the form of a child injured at daycare. Daycare negligence lawyers have experience in what constitutes negligence and neglect and can offer crucial advice when dealing with problematic providers.
To ensure that children are happy, safe, and well-cared for in daycare settings, a few precautions can alleviate the stress of choosing a provider that can bring peace of mind for working parents.
Browse Available State Resources for a History of Daycare Negligence
Daycare facilities are licensed at the state level. Licensing requirements vary, but in general, daycare providers are required to adhere to specific regulations governing the care of children. As part of licensing, providers are subjected to on-site audits for compliance. Most states offer online databases services that list the quality and compliance of a provider.
Violations, including daycare negligence, are typically available for public review. If a child is injured at daycare, the parent or guardian should immediately consult with a child care lawyer for guidance.
Facility Tours Can Reduce the Likelihood of a Child Injured at Daycare
Child injury attorneys recommend parents tour daycare sites prior to signing up a child. As a parent, you should understand the environment your child will be in while under someone else’s care. Licensing requirements are easily available online, and you can review them for your own review of a daycare facility. You can also use the visit to assess your own personal concerns.
Research Staff and Site Qualifications That May Be Signals for Concern
Daycare centers are not simply babysitting options. Studies show that early education in daycare settings can have a positive influence on your child’s development. Parents and guardians should research the professional qualifications of daycare staff to confirm that they are getting the care and education they expect.
Again, regulations and requirements vary by state, but at minimum staff should have some kind of training in childcare and education. Basic education requirements for a particular state might be lower than what you desire, so determine what needs you have for a child and seek out providers who meet them.
Requirements for a safe and compliant daycare center are readily available and should be read through carefully to understand how the facility handles a child injured at daycare. This first glance into their precautions, though not a totally valid way to detect daycare negligence, does tell you if the standards meet your personal approval for your child’s safety. If you cannot find individual audits of a particular center, ask them directly for a copy. You can use the report as your own guideline for reviewing the site.
Remaining Vigilant Can Help Detect Future Warning Signs of Daycare Negligence
Once you select a daycare center, you should reassess the quality of care from time to time. Staff changes, aging facilities, and new regulations all have an impact over time. Never feel that you are obligated to keep a child in a particular daycare.
What To Do When a Daycare Provider Fails to Care for Your Child
Statistics for child injuries and deaths in daycare facilities are startlingly hard to come by. We do know, however, that the primary cause for a child under 5 that is injured at daycare is accidents, particularly falls. Daycare facilities have a duty to protect your child when under their care. If a child is injured while in daycare, you should consult a child injury attorney immediately.