Spinal Cord Injury Education in 2014

New York Webinars Discuss Continuing Spinal Cord Rehab

Are you suffering from the effects of a spinal cord injury (SCI)? For many people living with spinal cord injuries, life can feel isolating. It can be difficult to know where to seek information, and many Americans are not sure how to find appropriate healthcare to treat the effects of their injuries. In New York during the month of January though, those who currently live with spinal cord injuries will have access to free education about rehabilitation and healthcare.

According to an article in Sys-Con Media, the United Spinal Association is offering a number of free webinars concerning spinal cord injury rehabilitation and continuing healthcare matters. United Spinal is a nonprofit organization that seeks to “improve the quality of life for all Americans with spinal cord injuries and disorders,” according to the organization’s website.

In mid-January, United Spinal offered a webinar entitled, “Rehab is Over. Now What?” Here, the organization discussed questions about programs available for people currently living with spinal cord injuries. Once traditional rehabilitation is over, many people with spinal cord injuries are not sure where to turn. The webinar provided information on where to find supplemental rehabilitation programs, and also provided information about the financial and legal ramifications of future rehab.

Another webinar will follow at the end of the month, and it is “designed for anyone concerned with making sure people with disabilities are properly enrolled in the most appropriate health insurance plan.” This webinar will provide information available through the National Disability Navigator Resource Collaborative (NDNRC), an organization that that “provides expertise and assistance” for finding the best healthcare options for people with disabilities. The webinars will feature experienced guest speakers, including those from the Neurotech Network, the Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, and the American Association on Health and Disability.

Spinal Cord Injury Information

How does the medical community identify a spinal cord injury? According to the Mayo Clinic, the medical community identifies two types of spinal cord injuries: traumatic and non-traumatic. A traumatic spinal cord injury can result from a “sudden, traumatic blow to your spine that fractures, dislocates, crushes or compresses one of more of your vertebrae.”

When a person suffers a traumatic spinal cord injury, they typically sustain damage to nerve fibers, which can lead to different levels of paralysis. A non-traumatic spinal cord injury is not necessarily less severe, but it is not caused from a sudden injury. Rather, it is often linked to a disease such as arthritis, cancer, or infection.

What are the primary causes of SCIs? The Mayo Clinic identifies the most common causes of spinal cord injuries as:

  • Automobile accidents;
  • Falls;
  • Violence, including gunshot and knife wounds;
  • Sports injuries, including recreational activities such as rock climbing or diving;
  • Alcohol use;
  • Disease- including cancer, arthritis, and osteoporosis.

If you have sustained a spinal cord injury, you’re likely to have many questions about the practicalities of living with your condition. The United Spinal webinars will provide useful information for injured people in the New York area. It is also important to speak to a spinal cord injury lawyer if your injury resulted from another person’s negligence. You may be eligible to seek financial compensation for your injury.

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