Construction Accident Involving Explosion Harms Worker at New Jersey School Bus Yard

Fuel Pump Explosion Causes Injuries

When most of us think about the risks associated with construction sites, explosions are not the first cause of injury that tend to come to mind. However, as a recent article from NBC News 10 reports, a fuel pump located at a school bus depot in South Jersey “sent a fireball 30 feet into the air and left one worker hurt.” As the article states, the explosion was a large-scale, serious one, which shook the nearby Egg Harbor Township School District transportation building.

Learning More About Explosives Safety at Construction Sites 

Although the fuel pump in the above incident was itself not an explosive, it is important to pay attention to the following regarding Explosives safety at construction sites. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) enforces federal laws concerning the safe use of explosive materials. An ATF fact sheet emphasizes how construction companies that work with explosive materials need to secure spaces in which explosives are kept, and they also need to closely control access to explosive materials. In addition, any construction workers who will be in contact with explosives need to be properly trained in safety measures.

What else should worksites do to ensure that explosives accidents and injuries do not happen? A safety tip sheet from the U.S. Geological Survey recommends the following protocols when using explosives:

  • Develop written procedures for explosives use, and ensure that each worker is familiar with the written instructions;
  • Take precautions in all areas in which explosive materials are stored, handled, or used;
  • Store explosives in closed, labeled containers whenever they are not in use;
  • Never conduct explosive work or blasting when there is inclement weather, such as thunderstorms;
  • Never permit construction workers to smoke in areas where explosives are being used;
  • Ensure that at least one worker dealing with explosives has specialized knowledge about static electricity, grounding procedures, and other safety measures designed to protect employees from explosives injuries;
  • Avoid using two-way radios anywhere near construction sites; and
  • Require employees to wear safety glasses and flame-retardant clothing when working with explosives.

When working on a construction site with explosives, make sure your work site is safe at all times. And, in the unfortunate event that you or your loved one suffered serious injuries in a construction accident or another workplace incident involving explosives, contact an experienced New Jersey construction accident lawyer to determine your rights.

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