Legal Resources

Legal Resources

Many terrific organizations, agencies, and non-profit groups exist to help those who have been injured by another or who have lost a loved one.  Please take a look at some of the resources listed below to get information on some of the many groups available to help those facing these issues. In addition, the attorneys at The Rothenberg Law Firm can help direct you to individual resources which might provide necessary support.  We understand that seeking a fair and efficient legal resolution is just one crucial component to full recovery following an injury.  Our firm prides itself on its client-centered focus, and we are committed to working with clients every step of the way to help get through the process. Product Safety CPSC Home Pages The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risks of serious injury or death from more than 15,000 types of consumer products under the agency's jurisdiction. Deaths, injuries and property damage from consumer product incidents cost the nation more than $700 billion annually FirstGov for Consumers FirstGov is a "one-stop" link to a broad range of federal information resources available online. It is designed so that you can locate information by category -- such as Food, Health, Product Safety, Your Money, and Transportation. Each category has subcategories to direct you to areas within individual federal web sites containing related information Center for Auto Safety Consumers Union and Ralph Nader founded the Center for Auto Safety (CAS) in 1970 to provide consumers a voice for auto safety and quality in Washington and to help lemon owners fight back across the country. CAS has a small budget but a big impact on the auto industry. With less than half of what General Motors spends on a single Super Bowl commercial, CAS has taken on the auto giants and won victories for consumers... Contact Congress Corporate America and the Insurance Industry want to take away your rights, knowing they can make even higher profits by keeping honest, hardworking Americans out of the courtroom. FIGHT BACK by going to the People Over Profits Action Network and telling your Representatives to fight for regular Americans, not Big Business! Personal Well-Being   Citizens For Health Citizens for Health is a National grassroots advocacy organization committed to protecting and expanding your natural health choices. Natural health options are proven to enhance wellness and reduce healthcare costs by millions. In order for lawmakers to hear this perspective, natural health consumers must remain active, visible and become a permanent voice in national, state and local decisions impacting our health. Mental Health Foundation Growing older brings more risks of developing depression, which can be linked to Retirement Isolation or loneliness Bereavement. Physical Heath & Injury Dealing with Kidney Disease in Children Chronic illness of any kind in children is very difficult for both parents and children. Children are supposed to be healthy and happy, to enjoy life and plan for the future. When a child is given a diagnosis of kidney disease, parents are quick to ask some of these questions. Sudden, Accidental or Traumatic Death Dealing with Sudden, Accidental or Traumatic Death A sudden, accidental, unexpected or traumatic death shatters the world as we know it. It is often a loss that does not make sense. We realize that life is not always fair and that sometimes bad things happen to good people. The sudden death leaves us feeling shaken, unsure and vulnerable. Traumatic Brain Injury Survivors Memorials for Loved Ones and Friends with Brain Injuries Adam Joshua Hackett 04/13/83 - 03/18/01 died 4 1/2 months after TBI Brad Ashley (No Story) Died 08/25/91 Drinking & Driving Accident. Head Injury Survivors After Serious Head Injury, Survivors May Still Be Able To Learn Without Awareness, Via Different Brain Structures New Research Gives Hope For Innovative Rehabilitation WASHINGTON - Severe closed-head injury (CHI), like that caused in a car accident, can impair the ability for purposeful learning, for example in school or on the job. However...  Spinal Cord Injury Every person is different in how they react to a spinal cord injury. People who have new spinal cord injuries often have feelings of grief, similar to the emotions that you would feel if a loved one passed away. Some common feelings that can be a part of grief are:  Grief & Loss The Child Bereavement Trust Founder and President: Jenni Thomas Maternity and Pediatric Bereavement Facilitator Buckinghamshire Hospitals NHS Trust ... Dealing with Injuries and Grief Loss is a part of everyone's life. It is not the event itself-the type of loss-that determines one's response to it. Each person reacts to a loss in his or her own way. How we respond to a particular loss is influenced by a combination of factors: ...

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    Our Results

    $55 million
    Settlement on behalf of multiple plaintiffs injured as result of exposure to toxic substances
    $26.3 million
    Misdiagnosis of brain injury leading to permanent paralysis
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    What Our Clients Say

    "Working with The Rothenberg Law Firm was a very easy and straightforward process. They actually surprised me with the extra time and additional attention to my case. I'd recommend them to anyone."

    Victoria H.
    New York

    “During the course of the litigation there where a number of settlement offers which the firm promptly and dutifully communicated to me and urged me not to accept. They were right. In the end they got me an enormous amount of money for my injuries and loss of earnings; far more than I could have ever imagined.”

    Ed M.