When accidents occur, it is common for an insurance company to ask you to make a recorded statement with an insurance adjuster. It is never wise to do so without having consulted your attorney first. If you decide to do so without an attorney’s advice, you should keep certain facts in mind. Insurance adjusters are trained to discreetly influence you into saying something that would insulate their company from liability, or limit your claims. Also, any recorded statements made to an insurance adjuster might be used against you in any related litigation. The ultimate cost of this to you could be hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars.
In most instances, making a recorded statement with an insurance adjuster proves harmful to your interests. These statements are usually requested immediately after the accident, when you may not fully know or understand the full extent of your injuries. Once a recorded statement is made, it might be difficult for you to correct or explain your words afterward. For these reasons, it is always best to consult with an attorney on how to handle an insurance adjuster before making a recorded statement.
Consulting an Attorney
If you are being asked to give a recorded statement, please call The Rothenberg Law Firm LLP at 1-800-624-8888 or submit an online questionnaire. The initial consultation is FREE of charge. If you have a viable case and we agree to represent you, we will work on a contingency fee basis, which means that we get paid for our services only if we get you money.
Usually a claim must be filed before an applicable expiration date, known as the Statue of Limitations. It is critical for you to please act now to preserve your rights.