Defective door latches continue to cause catastrophic injuries and death in automobile accidents. A defective latch can sometimes cause the doors of the vehicle to open during a crash. At high speeds, this can lead to ejection of the driver or passenger, resulting in severe injury or even death.
It has been shown that some car manufacturers released automobiles knowing that their door latches failed to meet governmental and their own company standards. Sometimes companies would even have prior knowledge that their latches were defective. This prior knowledge would subject a company to an auto injury lawsuit.
Starting an Auto Injury Lawsuit
If you or a loved one has had to endure an auto injury as a result of a faulty door latch, you may qualify to bring a monetary claim. Please call The Rothenberg Law Firm LLP immediately at 1-800-624-8888 or submit an online free case evaluation and we will help inform you of the strength of your claim.
Your initial consultation is always FREE and there will be no legal fees unless we are successful in getting you money.
Many of these cases are of a time-sensitive nature, so please act to preserve your rights now, before they expire.